Jurnal SOMASI (Sosial Humaniora Komunikasi) was published by the Center for Research and Development Indonesia (CERED Indonesia) in July and January. Jurnal SOMASI is intended to disseminate information on scientific papers to academics and practitioners interested in Social Humanities and Communication. Jurnal SOMASI accepts submissions of articles written in Indonesian and English. The determination of the pieces to be published is carried out through a blind review process by the editorial team by taking into account aspects such as: meeting the standard requirements for scientific journal publication and article contributions to professional development.
The Editor is responsible for providing a constructive review of the articles to be published (if deemed necessary) and conveying the evaluation results of the report to the author. Articles proposed to be published in the journal are recommended to follow the guidelines for writing articles made by the Editor.

E-ISSN 2723-6641

Jurnal SOMASI is abstracting & indexing in the following databases:

Genius Journal has been accredited by Sinta 5 | Genius Journal

Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Desember 2024

Published: 2024-12-30

Potensi Pasar dan Kelayakan Ekonomi Briqball: Inovasi Briket Ramah Lingkungan Berbahan Dasar Limbah Tempurung Kelapa dan Ampas Tebu

Salsabila, Rezi Widyan Ananta, Rozan Satyo Hakim, Deviana Sevitra, Maudila Isnaini, Aditya Zikri Syahputra


abstract views: 53 times downloaded: 48 times DOI : https://doi.org/10.53695/js.v5i2.1168


Dedean Herawani Hasibuan, Dedi Harianto


abstract views: 20 times downloaded: 13 times DOI : https://doi.org/10.53695/js.v5i2.1163

Eksplorasi Keberlanjutan Budidaya Kapur Barus Sebagai Endemic Plants Di Kecamatan Barus Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengan Melalui Analisis Multidimensional Scalling (MDS)

Aflahun Fadhly Siregar, Wita Sania Agustin, Dinda Zaskia Ramanda, Windi Hasriani Pane, Jarot Ponco Anggoro, Muhammad Hendriawansyah


abstract views: 45 times downloaded: 51 times DOI : https://doi.org/10.53695/js.v5i2.1165
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